On Friday the Sydney Morning Herald reported that an Internet censorship protest site had been set up under the banner ‘Stephen Conroy: Minister for Fascism‘ and was ironically registered under the very name of the Australian Communications Minister responsible for trying to mandate the compulsory filtering scheme in federal law, stephenconroy.com.au. Within hours of the story being published, auDA, the Australian Domain Name Authority, had shut down the site, giving the owners only 3 hours to respond to a request to justify their eligibility for the domain. Normally auDA would allow several days to weeks for this process. An appeal to request an extension was denied, with no reason given. The site was quickly moved to a US domain, stephen-conroy.com in order to stay active while the dispute with auDA is resolved.
"Discovery consists of working at the same thing as everyone else and thinking of something different."
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi