Archive for April, 2007

Posted by: peter

Well, it looks like the good folk at the Beeb have finally reached the office, had a chat with their Turkish translation team and gotten to work. Here is the swag (currently top 4 stories on BBC website):

Update: Here is some additional local coverage (in English):

Posted by: peter

At 23:20 tonight (Friday night), the Turkish Military made a very strongly worded statement against the current government. This was surprising both for its extreme wording and the time (almost midnight) at which it was made. We are not expecting tanks on the streets just yet however, as if that happens it will probably not be until after the challenge of the presendential vote in the constitutional court is finished (mid week). As I can’t yet find an English translation of the military’s statement on the net (The foreign news channels have not yet picked it up) and its rather long, you will all have to wait for me to update this post as its a bit too long for me to translate myself. People who are not familiar with the “interesting” Turkish political system should note, that the Turkish Military are actually required by the constitution to “step in” whenever standard forms of government “break down”…

Update: The Beeb seems to have been the first foreign news site to pick up the story. Choice quotes from the Military include: “It should not be forgotten that the Turkish armed forces are a side in this debate and are a staunch defender of secularism” “…and will display their position and attitudes when it becomes necessary. No one should doubt that.”

Posted by: peter

Turkey held a parliamentary vote earlier today. Most of the opposition parties walked out on the vote in order to stop the ruling AKP party from having two thirds turnout required for the vote to be valid. At the last moment, several members of opposition parties entered parliament to vote (shortly after vehmently stating on TV that that had no intention of voting). It appears that the were still a few votes short of the required 367 (of 550), and the leading opposition party has launched a challenge in the constitutional court…. This was all pretty much to be expected the current government who is notorious for shady dealings behind closed doors, while claiming to be an ultra clean party… The Beeb has more info..

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